It's ZWICKELMANIA! Come by to experience Brew Demos with Brewer Dave from 12:30p until 4p or so. First round will be a new experimental hop we haven't used before in a hoppy Spring Session Pale Ale. The second brew will be an "Irish Dry Stout" style, using the wrong hops, yeast, etc... According to Dave, it's a real mutt. But he says it's going to taste good!
Take a Tour of our Brew Space and see how the magic happens! (It's all out in the open, but the Brewers are happy to share how it works! Play our Zwickelmania Beer Knowledge Quiz! You could win 20% off on a Chetco Merch item. Come celebrate the 15th Zwickelmania! 🍻 #southernoregoncoast #freegames #veganfoodtruck #crowlers #febrewary #foodtrucks #offthewagonfoodtruck #100bestfanfavorite #westcoastisthebestcoast #chetcobrewingcompany #zwickelmania2023 #chetcobrewery #bepacific #brewtour #brewdemo